Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Romania For Foreigners

Are you from outside of Romania and looking for work that will support your visa? Do you want to know which companies are hiring in Romania for sponsored jobs? You’ve found the right site for your search.
The majority of jobs in Romania are in fields like tourism, textiles, security, business, engineering, marketing, and information technology. By far, the IT field is growing with new companies from both inside and outside of the country.
Before we get into the specifics of the Romanian Visa Sponsorship jobs for foreigners, it’s helpful to know that, according to the Financial Times, the country has one of Europe’s fastest-growing economies, which has long attracted the attention of experts from around the world. Over time, Romania has become a popular place for foreign investors to put their money into the tech industry. As a result, the country is becoming more appealing to outsiders looking for work.
What firms are recruiting in Romania for sponsorship positions?
The top companies currently offering sponsorship positions include
- Parimatch Tech
- The Coca-Cola Company
- Goodyear
- Nestle
- Baker Hughes
- Mindray
- Infosys
- Temenos
- Plexus
Visa sponsorship jobs in Romania for foreigners 2024
The jobs in Romania with visa sponsorship for foreigners are listed below:
- Brand Manager – Juices & Tea
- Junior Accountant
- Strategy and Consulting SME Associate Manager
- Registered Nurse
- EOI – Electricians & Refrigeration Mechanics
- Landscape Gardener/Foreman
- Sales Representative (Industrial Products)
- Mechanical Engineer
- Switchboard Electricians
- Medical Imaging Technologist (Radiographer)
- Civil Engineer
- Aircraft Maintenance Planner
- Technician
- Automotive Mechanic
Romanian Work Visa Types
Romania is a part of the European Union (EU), so its rules on work permits and visas are the same as those in other EU countries. People from Switzerland and other EEA countries, as well as people from other EU member states, do not need a work pass to work in Romania (EEA). Liechtenstein, Iceland, and Norway are some of these countries.
People who want to work but are not citizens of one of these countries need a work pass. Foreigners can get a lot of different kinds of rights in Romania, such as those for:
- Seasonal workers
- Trainees
- Athletes
- Permanent employees
- Cross-border workers
- Nominal work
Qualifications for Romanian Work Visas
People from other countries can’t apply for a work pass in Romania on their own. Employers have to fill out applications for them.
If the job can’t be taken by a Romanian citizen or a citizen of another EU or EEA member state, then a permit will be given. One of the requirements for getting a pass is to do this. The person who wants to work for the company must also meet the following conditions:
- Follow all the legal rules that your boss sets out for you to work.
- have never been convicted of a crime that would keep them from working in Romania.
- Give a medical certificate that says you are healthy enough to do the job’s main tasks.
- You must meet the requirements for foreigners who can get a work visa every year.
The worker also needs to apply for a long-term visa. In addition to the application, the person applying should be ready to give many other papers, such as
- the employer’s employment authorization.
- evidence of lodging in Romania.
- an active passport
- two recent images for identification.
- For the length of the visit, documentation of health insurance.
- background checks from the employee’s country of residency or police clearance.
- proof that the visit will be supported financially.
- confirmation of travel arrangements, such as a ticket for a flight.
The Application Procedure
Foreigners will need both a work permit and a long-term visa in order to legally live and work in Romania. These are the steps you need to take to get these papers:
- They have to give the Inspectorate General for Immigration (IGI) the right paperwork and pay the right fees so that they can apply for the work permit on behalf of the possible employee.
- Within 30 days, the IGI will either decide what to do or ask for more information to confirm what they already know. Depending on what needs to be checked more closely, the process could take up to 15 days longer.
- If the IGI agrees with the job application, the person will be given a work pass.
- The worker must then apply for a long-term visa through one of Romania’s foreign missions or consular offices. The worker has 60 days from the time they get their work permit to apply.
Read Also: Latest Factory Worker Jobs in Romania
Important Factors
Through the IGI, an employee can ask to stretch the time they can stay in the country on their long-term visa. They have to send the request at least 30 days before their visa runs out. They could also get a new work pass at the same time.
One year can be added to most work permits in Romania. Employees with a lot of skills might be able to get an extra two years.
There’s a good chance that some workers will bring family members with them. If someone in your family wants to work in Romania, they will each need their own work pass and long-term visa.
In Romania, what professions are in demand?
Most people are employed in the following sectors:
- Finance and Accounting sector.
- Agriculture Workers.
- Warehouse & Retail Workers.
- Construction and Real Estate.
- Automotive & IT Industry.
The Romanian labor market
As far as job prospects go, the IT software industry is the best. Romania is a great place for outsiders who want to work in this field to make their dreams come true.
Most of the chances are in big towns like Bucharest, Cluj Napoca, Timisoara, or Iasi. People from other countries who want to work for small businesses will be drawn to smaller towns. The cost of living is also cheaper, and there are more opportunities to teach English and start small businesses.
Romanian curriculum vitae and cover letters
This is a general rule: expats should write their CV and cover letters in both English and Romanian. You can send your resume in either English or French to jobs where the only language requirement is being able to speak and understand a foreign language.
When writing CVs, they have to follow certain rules in Romania. The first thing that will be asked for is general information. Next will be work experience, education, personal skills, and so on. Most companies will want you to have a Europass model on your resume to get hired. You might also want to ask TopCV for a free review of your CV.
Romanian employment
The Romanian Ministry of Labor made public data showing that many industries, mainly the clothing and textile industry, are having a hard time finding workers. These industries include IT and ICT, health care, agriculture, building, and manufacturing. There are more open jobs in the following areas because there is a strong need for workers in those fields, according to reports from the European Commission. It might be easier to find work in these areas:
- Garment and related trades workers
- Building finishers and related trades workers
- Painters, building structure cleaners, and related trades workers
- Textile, fur, and leather products machine operators
- Printing trades workers
- Refuse workers
- Physical and engineering science technicians
- Wood treaters, cabinet-makers, and related trades workers
- Building frame and related trades workers
- Manufacturing laborers
- Cooks; Waiters; Bartenders
- Electro technology engineers
- Material-recording and transport clerks
- Machinery mechanics and repairers
- Food processing and related trade workers
- Software and applications developers and analysts
- Shop salespersons
- Drivers and mobile plant operators
- Building construction laborers
- Doctors/nurses/health care assistants
Foreign workers can find great jobs in Romania because the economy is growing. With its focus on IT and many businesses lacking skilled workers, Romania can be a good place to look for a job that will sponsor your visa. But the process of applying for a visa and getting to know the way things are done at work needs careful planning and study. You can make an informed choice about changing careers in Romania by learning about the most sought-after jobs, the visa requirements, and the average salary.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the typical wage in Romania?
The monthly wage in Romania dropped to 6,405 RON, which is about $1,273,714. Workers made an average of 5906 RON a month, with 1.02 RON being the lowest average wage possible.
What is the cost of a Romanian visa?
Schedule an appointment at The visa price is $150 for a long-stay visa and $80 for a short-stay visa.