
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships – Fully Funded

The Swiss Government Scholarships for International Students in 2025 are now accepting applications. These are great chances for students from 180 countries around the world. People who want to study at Switzerland’s top universities are encouraged to apply for this scholarship program.

Candidates for a Ph.D., a Research Fellowship, or a postdoctoral position can apply to the Swiss Excellence Program. Students working on a Master’s degree can also apply, and there are no entry fees. For the academic year 2025–2026, these scholarships give students full financial help, so they can focus on their studies and research.

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship covers a lot of different academic topics and majors, so it can be used for almost any type of study. This scholarship program pays for all of the costs of getting a college degree at one of Switzerland’s best schools.

From more than 180 countries that sent applications, the Swiss Government hopes to choose more than 500 candidates for the next school year.

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships

Funded bySwiss Government Excellence  
DegreeMaster, Ph.D Research Fellowship & Post Doc
DeadlineDifferent Deadlines set by the Swiss Embassy in the countries

Financial Benefits

  • Full Tuition Fee Coverage: This makes sure that all of your school costs are covered, so you don’t have to worry about how to pay for them. This makes college more affordable.
  • Monthly Stipend: The monthly payment helps with daily costs like food, transportation, and other personal needs by giving regular money to help with living costs.
  • Free Accommodation: The benefit of free-living covers the cost of your housing, which can be a big cost. It usually comes with utilities and can be on or near the job or campus.
  • Allowance for Housing: If free housing isn’t available, an allowance for housing helps pay for rent, which makes it easier to find a good place to live.
  • Airfare Tickets: Giving you airfare tickets to travel from your home country to Switzerland and back again after you finish your degree is a big perk that covers the cost of traveling between countries.
  • Comprehensive health insurance: health insurance is important to have to pay for medical bills and make sure you can get the care you need while you’re in Switzerland.
  • Research Fund: A research fund helps pay for things like materials, travel, and other costs that come up during academic or professional study.

Types of Scholarships Under Swiss Excellence

  • Research scholarships: If you have a master’s degree and want to do research after graduation, you can apply for a research grant (research fellowship, PhD, or Postdoc).
  • Research Fellowship: Researchers who are chosen will be able to do studies related to their Ph.D. at one of the 10 universities in Switzerland that are part of the country’s cantonal system.
  • Art scholarships: Art students in Switzerland who want to get their first master’s degree can apply for art grants.

Scholarship Duration:

  1. Research Scholarships: 1 Year Maximum
  2. Ph.D. Scholarships: 1 Year prolonged able up to 3 Years based on the achieved academic results
  3. Post-Doctoral Scholarships: 1 Year

Eligibility Criteria for Swiss Government Scholarship

To apply for a Swiss government excellence grant for a student from another country, you must meet different requirements in each country. If you want to see what country you are in. To find your country, just click on one of the countries mentioned below.

Application Deadline:

There are different due dates for the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships 2025–2026 in each country. For exact dates, please look at the entries for each country. Country A to Z is where you can look.

How to Apply

If you want to apply for the Swiss Government Scholarships for International Students 2025 in Switzerland, please use the links below to find the entry process for your country. Visit the official advertisement link below for more information, such as the official ad and directions on how to apply.

More Info


International students can get a great chance to study and research in Switzerland through the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for 2025. The goal of these scholarships is to encourage academic success and cultural exchange by giving full financial aid for things like tuition, living costs, housing, and more. People who want to study at one of Switzerland’s prestigious schools should check the deadlines and requirements in their own country to make sure they don’t miss this chance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships?

    International students in Switzerland who want to get a Master’s, Ph.D., Research Fellowship, or Postdoctoral position can apply for the famous Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships. These scholarships cover all of their tuition costs and give them a monthly stipend, free housing, and other perks.

  • Who can apply for the scholarships?

    Students from more than 180 countries can use. The scholarships can be used for Master’s degrees, Ph.D. programs, Research Fellowships, and postdoctoral jobs at the best universities in Switzerland.

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