Foreigner Jobs

Jobs in USA with H2B Visa Sponsorship 2024 (12$ – 20$ Hourly)

The H2B visa application enables US employers to hire foreign workers in positions (unskilled labor) where they are unable to locate appropriate local workers. We specialize in the recruitment of personnel in the hospitality sector, including receptionists, chefs, restaurant hostesses, assistant servers, and housekeepers. Jobs are perpetually seasonal, lasting between eight and ten months. The winter season is typically observed from October to May (particularly in Florida), summer time from May to June to October, and the winter season is rarely observed from April to December to January.

Check Also: Cleaner Jobs in USA for Foreigners – Visa Sponsorship

Details of Jobs in USA with H2B Visa Sponsorship:

  • Employment that is entirely legal and has been declared with multiple “Social Security” agencies.
  • The organization guarantees all fees. The employee is responsible for paying the visa fee ($190) in advance, but this amount is refunded upon arrival in the United States.
  • The visa is granted on the basis of an employment contract that is provided by the company, but it may be extended for a period of up to several years.
  • Upon the conclusion of the season, we can assist you in locating an additional H2B organization.
  • Brokerage or posting fees are not included.

Salary Expectations

  • Salary: The prevailing salary is $12-20 per hour gross, with overtime at 150% and income paid on a bi-weekly basis, depending on the employer, position, and system.
  • Working hours: A minimum of 35 hours per week is guaranteed; however, time beyond the scope of the regulations may be monitored in accordance with business needs.
  • Accommodation: It is available in exceptional conditions, and meals are provided in accordance with the organization’s commitment. Fees are contingent upon the location and neighborhood, but they can range from $250 to $700 per month and are deducted from the income.

Types of Jobs

  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Landscaping and Lawn Care
  • Construction and Skilled Trades
  • Forestry and Conservation
  • Theme Parks and Entertainment
  • Seafood and Fishing Industry
  • Agricultural Support Services
  • Retail and Customer Service
  • Event Management and Hospitality
  • Ski Resorts and Winter Recreation

Benefits of Jobs in USA with H2B Visa Sponsorship

  • Temporary Employment Opportunities: The H-2B visa enables foreign workers to capitalize on temporary employment opportunities in the United States. This is especially advantageous for sectors that require seasonal labor, including landscaping, construction, and hospitality.
  • Wages that are Competitive: Employers are obligated to pay H-2B workers at least the prevailing wage for the specific position in the area of employment. This frequently leads to competitive salaries that may exceed those of comparable positions in the worker’s country of origin.
  • Work Experience in the United States: Your resume and career prospects will be significantly improved by the valuable international work experience that working in the United States provides. It enables employees to become acquainted with a variety of work cultures and practices.
  • Pathway to Future Employment: Although the H-2B visa is temporary, the experience and connections that are established during employment in the United States may result in future job offers or opportunities in other countries.
  • Ability to Travel: The H-2B visa enables you to travel within the United States during your employment period, allowing you to immerse yourself in the country’s diverse landscapes and cultures.
  • Family Benefits: Although the H-2B visa is intended for individual workers, certain employers may offer assistance to family members, enabling them to visit the worker while the worker is employed in the United States.
  • Employer Support: Organizations that sponsor H-2B visas frequently offer their employees assistance, such as lodging, transportation, and orientation, to facilitate their transition to their new surroundings.
  • Cultural Exchange: Foreign workers are exposed to a vastly different culture and lifestyle while working in the United States, which facilitates personal development and a more comprehensive comprehension of American customs and values.
  • Networking Opportunities: The H-2B employment environment may offer opportunities to establish professional networks, which may result in future job opportunities or career advancements.
  • Diverse Experience: H-2B visa holders frequently acquire valuable experience by working in a variety of industries, such as construction, leisure, and hospitality.
  • Potential for Job Extensions: Employers may petition for extensions of H-2B visas in specific situations, which would enable workers to remain in the country beyond the initial period of authorization. This could potentially improve job stability.
  • Legal Work Status: The H-2B visa grants legal authorization to work in the United States, safeguarding workers from the repercussions of unauthorized employment.

Requirements for Jobs in USA with H2B Visa Sponsorship

  • employment Offer: Employers present a legitimate employment offer with a limited duration in a non-agriculture field, to remain in the United States.
  • Labor Certification: To obtain temporary labor certification, U.S. employers must submit evidence to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) that native U.S. employees are not qualified to perform the job and that the recruitment of foreign workers will not result in a decline in the wages and employment conditions of domestic United States individuals who perform similar work.
  • Employer Sponsorship: In order to request permissions for a nonimmigrant candidate, the employers must submit Form I-129 to the Department of Homeland Security on behalf of the candidate.
  • Temporary Need: Employers should specify that the job opportunity is seasonal, a peak time, an additional burden, or a short-term requirement, provided that it is only established once.
  • Valid Passport: To secure employment in the United States, an individual must possess a passport that is valid for the duration of their stay in the country.
  • Health Insurance: Employers are required to adhere to the minimum ACA requirements established by the Affordable Care Act by providing health insurance to all H-2B workers.
  • Adherence to Wage Requirements: Employers are required to pay the minimum wage for the occupation and location of H-2B laborers. Consequently, employers must guarantee that H-2B workers receive the minimum wage for their occupation and location.

How to Apply for Jobs in USA with H2B Visa Sponsorship?

You are eligible to apply for H2b visa positions that align with your qualifications and experience. Given the abundance of opportunities available to foreign nationals, why not apply for these positions? It provides an excellent opportunity to investigate a variety of occupations and establish a successful career.

More Info

  1. How do I get sponsored by H-2B?

    File a job order and H-2B application. – Within 75 to 90 days prior to the date of need, file a job order with the State Workforce Agency (SWA) serving the area of intended employment (AIE) AND submit the H-2B Application for Temporary Employment Certification Form ETA-9142B (H-2B Application) and all required…

  2. How do I apply for a USA H-2B visa?

    File a job order and H-2B application. – Within 75 to 90 days before the date of need, file a job order with the State Workforce Agency (SWA) serving the area of intended employment (AIE) AND submit the H-2B Application for Temporary Employment Certification Form ETA-9142B (H-2B Application) and all required…

  3. Who is eligible for an H-2B visa?

    To be eligible for the H-2B visa, you must show that: You have an employment offer from a U.S. employer. You intend to return home after your permit expires. You have the skills your U.S. employer needs.

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